When searching for a good web hosting company it is important to first get your own domain name. Then if you end up having problems with the web host, you can always transfer your domain to another hosting provider. If you use FrontPage to design and create your web pages, you need to find a good FrontPage web hosting provider. Basically find a web host with a good reputation, high uptime, and then make sure they provide FrontPage support. You should consider security, customer support, bandwidth and speed as well as pricing. Although cost is an issue for most of us, think about how much money you will be losing if you go with a cheap web host that may be down often or be out of business next month rather than one where you may spend a few dollars more each month, but your website will be up and your pages will load quickly. If you know anyone who uses FrontPage hosting, talk to them about their host. Word of mouth goes a long way when finding good web hosting.
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